Sunday, October 2, 2016

Three For Me!

40 minutes - 0.58 miles - Rhulain
16 minutes - 0.63 miles - Majesty
21 minutes - 0.28 miles - Wasabi
 We had all the brush removed and the front yard leveled.  Which means, it's a blank slate just waiting for hoof prints.  Lots of hoof prints.
 I grabbed Rhulain and took a few passes through the yard.  The wind was blowing and since there was no brush, the dirt kept blowing into our eyes.  After I was sure she was comfortable with the new area, I saddled her up and took another pass or two through the new yard.
Rhu was fine, but bored.  I handed the kid my phone and he had a great time taking pictures.  I didn't include the pictures of the horse poop.
I put Sundance and Morgan in the turn out.  Sundance started to roll, but half way through she fell asleep.  Adorable.
 Later in the afternoon, I decided I needed more horse time.  I ran outside and grabbed Majesty.  I let him choose his path and pace and once we left the front gate he ambled around the block.  He fully believes in slow and steady.  I was really glad to spend time with the old guy.  He's pretty spry for 33.
I figured I still had a half hour before I couldn't see anymore, so I grabbed Wasabi.  Gave her a quick refresher on the bitless bridle, saddled her up, and wandered around the front yard for a bit.  She definitely needs more saddle time ... she is rusty, but willing.  She got confused when I asked for turns with leg aids, she kept changing speed. I added rein aids and we were able to communicate and work through it with a little patience.  After I hopped off, she gave me a snuggle.  I like this horse, she's got spunk!

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