Monday, October 17, 2016

Mondays with Morgan ... and Sundance

23 minutes - 0.53 miles - Morgan & Kid, Sundance
 Bill asked me to pick the kid up today because he needed to purchase a new water heater.  No worries.  I picked him up and he asked if he could go for a horse ride.  Wait, what?! Of course we can go for a ride!  I decided to take Sundance since we wouldn't be going off property and she needed to stretch her legs a bit.
Morgan has the patience of a saint, I swear.  Look at him brings those reins all the way to his chin although she had already stopped.  I will give him credit, he dropped those reins like they were on fire when I asked him to put them down.  We worked on turning right and left with rein aids and he was able to keep Morgan from dropping her muzzle in the feed bins as we passed by.  Not bad!
After untacking everyone, I hopped on Morgan and had her walk me to the mare motel because, yes, I am that lazy.  Plus it's nice to see where her brain is after he rides.  She's in heat and partially grouchy, but quick to listen to leg aids.  Good girl Morgie.
I fed everyone and then headed to the goat pen to check on Lips' wound.  She came right over for snuggles.  She's funny ... I held the camera and said "who's a pretty goat?" ... she promptly mugged for a picture.  Cleaned out her wound and gave her some raspberries with her dinner.  She's going to be ok, but she's certainly nervous about the dogs now, which is sad.

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