Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Got home early today!

34 minutes - 1.22 miles - Rhulain
30 minutes - 0.93 miles - Wasabi
We were asked to leave work early today because the final presidential debate was being held three miles from our office, and the roads were going to be closed.  Go home?! No problem!  I raced straight home, grabbed Rhu, did a few minutes of ground work, then saddled up and headed out.

We were having a great time and neither one of us wanted to go home. Every time I steered us towards home, Rhu would angle back out to the open area.  I agreed in spirit, but had to pick up the kid, so I couldn't comply.  Rhu had lined up perfectly to allow me to open and latch the gate. A little sad, I closed the front gate behind us, rubbed and hugged her, then put her away. 
LOVE these photos ... gave the kid a granola bar and Wasabi was pleading for a bite.  The kid was completely baffled as to the attention, but sure wasn't giving up his snack.  I gave her some of my granola and headed over to the trailer.
Wasabi wasn't sure, but she was willing to stick her fronts in if asked.  We worked for a few minutes and I was content with the progress.  We headed off for a walk, though there was lots of tail wringing and pushing forward.  She's forgotten her manners and needed a few reminders. All in all, not bad.

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