Saturday, October 22, 2016

Rhu Teaches Me Another Lesson

29 minutes - 1.15 miles - Rhulain
Rhulain and I walked about half a mile before I hopped in the saddle and asked her take me home.  

Had an issue with her racing towards home.  Anytime she went faster than asked, I had her do circles until we were at a pace I liked. Then we moved forward.  Took three or four circles, but we settled on a pace that we both liked. 

I fed her as soon as she was untacked. It dawned on me that the hustle home issue was me, not Rhu.  If I feed immediately upon returning home, of course she's going to hurry.  Sigh.

Thanks for the lesson Rhu.  I appreciate her willingness to be patient with my stupidity.

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