Sunday, October 16, 2016

Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad, No Good Day

Today was de-worming day for the horses.  Four of the five were no problem. But Sundance made up for the ease of the other four.  Sigh.  She kept burying her muzzle into my arms and looked so sad.  After 20 minutes of patient touch, retreat, pet/rest, repeat we were able to get her to take the medicine.  I exited her stall and she shoved her big ol noggin up next to my face and proceeded to lick my ear.  Apparently, she was thanking me for the extra effort.  
The goat was playing tag with the doberman.  For some obscure reason our other dog Bosco decided to join in the game and bit the goat on the tail.  I had to smack him on the head with a shovel to get him to release.  Lips took off running, and Bosco chased clamping down on her butt cheek.  I ran after them and smacked Bosco again to get him to release, then had to get between the two of them so she could make it back to her stall.  I locked her in and went to get the first aid kit.  When I returned I saw the blood trails on her cover, and about started crying.  I love that girl and was upset she got hurt on my watch.  I cleaned her wounds as best as I could, then snuggled her and apologized before dog-proofing the goat pen.
I got Rhu a new saddle pad and had her try it on for me.  When I went in the tack shed to grab her headstall, the doberman spooked her and she took off running around the yard with him hot on her heels. She jumped the panels that had just been taken down and cleared them quite beautifully before running back to the safety of the mare motel.  I did some ground work to settle her, trailer loaded her, and then put on her headstall and took her for a quick lap just to test the saddle pad fit.

All in all, not a spectacular day.  The wind made it impossible to ride, the dogs were flat out stupid, goat got injured, neighbor's dog got in our yard (again), and if that weren't enough ... the water heater went out so I couldn't take a shower to get the day's sand out of my ears.  Sigh.

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