March 2015
Morgan - 406 minutes - 6.75 hours - 21 miles
Reagan - 189 min - 3 hours - 9 miles
Bill & Majesty - 221 minutes - 3.75 hours - 11.5 miles
Wasabi - 83 min - 1.5 hours - 4 miles
Wasabi Saddle Time:
2014: 12.25 hours
Jan: 0
Feb: 0
Mar: 1.5 hours
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Quick, before the sun sets
10 minute ride
? miles
? miles
Bill was busy talking to a gentleman about laying our new floor, the animals were lazying about in the sun, and then Morgan called out to me ... I caught her drift ... we had a few minutes before dinner time and Bill wouldn't notice our escape if we hurried ...
And those are just the cutest ears to watch the shadows lengthen through. So we snuck in a quick ride. I don't know how long we were gone, I didn't care how many miles we rode, I was just happy to be with my Morgie girl right there, in that moment of bliss.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Bittersweet Day
10 minute ride
30 minute ride - Bill & Majesty
I had listed an ad for Reagan and received a phone call from a wonderful lady earlier in the week. She wanted to come take a look at her and a horse our farrier was selling on Sunday. So, we loaded Reagan and Majesty up and hauled them to the local arena.
We chatted while I saddled her up, explained that she was in heat, so this was going to be her at her very worst ... Reagan snorted indignantly to show me what she thought of that statement. She took a step away from the mounting block while I slid into the saddle, but that was the worst of it.
I walked and trotted her around the arena then hopped out of the saddle. As soon as the lady got comfortable in the saddle a smile slid across her face. She looked at Reagan the way I did, which made my heart warm. She rode for a bit, then asked her friend to ride her as well. Reagan carried the lady's friend around the arena and listened quietly for cues and basically was perfect.
The lady bought Reagan. So, we will bid happy trails to Reagan the third week in April.
30 minute ride - Bill & Majesty
I had listed an ad for Reagan and received a phone call from a wonderful lady earlier in the week. She wanted to come take a look at her and a horse our farrier was selling on Sunday. So, we loaded Reagan and Majesty up and hauled them to the local arena.
We chatted while I saddled her up, explained that she was in heat, so this was going to be her at her very worst ... Reagan snorted indignantly to show me what she thought of that statement. She took a step away from the mounting block while I slid into the saddle, but that was the worst of it.
I walked and trotted her around the arena then hopped out of the saddle. As soon as the lady got comfortable in the saddle a smile slid across her face. She looked at Reagan the way I did, which made my heart warm. She rode for a bit, then asked her friend to ride her as well. Reagan carried the lady's friend around the arena and listened quietly for cues and basically was perfect.
The lady bought Reagan. So, we will bid happy trails to Reagan the third week in April.
Meanwhile, Bill and Majesty took a stroll around the area, through the local sand dunes, and was a gentleman to the lady's grandson. They ambled about for 30 minutes, then we loaded them up and took them home. Morgan had to check each of them when they were put in the turn out. She makes me laugh sometimes.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Majesty Tackles the Gate
24 minute ride
Morgan, Bill & Majesty
1.08 miles
Morgan, Bill & Majesty
1.08 miles
I heard a sound behind me and just knew it was Morgan so I snapped a quick picture. I'm pretty sure she was trying to send me "grab snacks" thoughts with that intense gaze
Once we got back to the house, Bill went to shut the gate. Majesty wasn't sure about that thing swinging near his face, but he sure tried hard. Morg and I shut the gate and Bill said "You made that look easy." Made my day!
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Day of the Goat
68 minute ride
Morgan, Bill & Majesty
3.66 miles
Morgan, Bill & Majesty
3.66 miles
Here we are getting for a ride ... and what's that at the far right hand corner of the picture? The goat. She was eating the trailer, of course. Other people's goats don't snack on metal, do they?
Here is the ONLY picture from the day that didn't have a goat in it. It's not that she didn't try ... Bill and I had to chase her back in to the yard three times before we could actually go for a ride.
Goat, goat, everywhere a goat.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Majesty and the horse flesh eating gate
28 minute ride
Morgan, Bill & Majesty
1.83 miles
Morgan, Bill & Majesty
1.83 miles
Bill sent me a text saying if I hurried, there was enough light to catch a ride, but I was already on the way home! We saddled up our besties and headed out
It's been quite some time since I've seen these two together
February 1st was our last ride with this pair ... 6 weeks seems like forever!
When we got home, Bill went to shut the gate and Majesty decided it was definitely a horse eater. So Bill took the opportunity to teach him the gate was not a scary object. Morgan snacked while she watched, of course.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Bill & Wasabi's First Solo
28 minutes
Bill & Wasabi (without me!)
1.36 miles
No pictures from today because I was at work while they were out wandering the dunes ... for their first ever solo! He said she was just OK. She'd do fine until the chorus of calls from home started up, then she'd get nervous. So proud of the two of and for the two of them!
I am always fascinated by the color changes she goes through during the seasons so I snapped this shot of her hip last week ... she'll be steel grey around mid-April. Amazing.
Bill & Wasabi (without me!)
1.36 miles
No pictures from today because I was at work while they were out wandering the dunes ... for their first ever solo! He said she was just OK. She'd do fine until the chorus of calls from home started up, then she'd get nervous. So proud of the two of and for the two of them!
I am always fascinated by the color changes she goes through during the seasons so I snapped this shot of her hip last week ... she'll be steel grey around mid-April. Amazing.
Last Morning Walk
32 minute walk/ride
Morgan solo
1.92 miles
With the time change, I am going to start working the girls in the evening rather than the mornings now. So this was Morgan's last morning walk for a while
Morgan solo
1.92 miles
With the time change, I am going to start working the girls in the evening rather than the mornings now. So this was Morgan's last morning walk for a while
Not your most flattering pose Morgie girl
This is all you seem to be interested in doing lately. Sigh.
I'll be glad when her mind returns to normal. This breeding season stuff sucks ... she's aloof, runs off when I try to catch her, could care less when I'm around (also a by-product of having Reagan as her bestie), but she does listen (for the most part) when under saddle, even if she is high headed and snorty until we get back.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Helicopter Ears
19 minute ride
0.81 miles
0.81 miles
Those ears of hers never stop moving for an instant ... I've taken to calling her helicopter ears.
Just a quick jaunt around the desert close to the house at a walk. Once I get in the saddle, I don't say a word until we get home. I talk to Morgan constantly, but with Reagan, not a sound unless I'm making a correction. The quiet seems to work out well for us both.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
First Bath of the Year
45 minute ride
Rode Morgan & ponied Reagan for 20
Rode Morgan with Bill & Majesty for 25
3.11 miles
Rode Morgan & ponied Reagan for 20
Rode Morgan with Bill & Majesty for 25
3.11 miles
Morgan and I headed out for a quick ride with our buddy Reagan in tow
Reagan wasn't too happy with the arrangement. She dragged her feet and kept twitching her ears, but kept moving forward. She and Morg are in heat, but behaved well considering the circumstances ... not too mareish.
When we arrived home, we saw Bill and Majesty heading up one of the dunes by our house. I put Reagan away and Morgan and I raced off to catch the "boys." We rode around the open desert for a while then headed home.
Since it was still light and Morgan was smelly, she got a bath. I let her wander around the yard to snack (and dry) for a while, but as soon as I put her in the turn out she decided she needed a sand bath.
Lucky she's cute!
Friday, March 13, 2015
Change of plans
24 minute walk
Morgan & Reagan
1.01 miles
Morgan & Reagan
1.01 miles
Morgan ... I think Reagan wants to go ... she's staring at us rather intently
Everyone ready to go for our walk?
I thought you wanted to go for a walk Reagan ... turns out you just want the snacks at the half way point. I see how it is.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Night Walking
8 minute walk
0.30 miles
0.30 miles
Hey Reagan, let's go for a walk!
Yeah, but a real short one ... say out one driveway and in the other
Ok ... let's do this.
Thanks for accompanying me tonight. I like spending time with you.
Awww, you're welcome.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
More Surprises!
55 Minute Ride
Morgan - Bill and Wasabi
2.55 miles
Morgan - Bill and Wasabi
2.55 miles
Psst, guess who's joining us for a ride today?
Bill and Wasabi! Long time, no see, right? In fact, Wasabi's last ride was December 24, 2014. This made the 9th ride for Bill & Wasabi
Wasabi was happy to be out, very cooperative and doing great ... for the first 30 minutes. Then she started to give Bill some guff. She picked her front hooves off the ground three times (less than a foot off the ground; she was testing not committing) and he put her in check quickly and quietly.
She was perfectly fine once we headed home and Bill let her stretch her legs as a reward. Morg and I ambled along behind, content to just be out. It was really nice to be able to ride with someone again!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
2 Glorious Rides
46 Minute Ride
Reagan - Bill and Majesty
2.15 miles
2.48 miles
Reagan - Bill and Majesty
2.15 miles
Look who's a pocket pony now! She's right behind me step for step once she's saddled up. She certainly likes to go out now
And look who joined us ... Bill and Majesty! It's the first time we've ridden these two together since November 2012.
We did some light dune work, but nothing too strenuous. Just enough to have some fun
Goatly antics make Reagan wary ...
She wouldn't take her eye off that silly goat
It was a nice, calm ride and the two of them seemed to be a match in temperament and pace. I pushed Reagan into faster speeds to get her to stretch low and long. After two tries she was reaching out beautifully.
36 Minute RideMorgan
2.48 miles
Morgan was none too happy about having to go out solo OR being ridden second. Look at that face!
We rode out the gate rather than having me walk for the first 20 minutes and she did fine. A little hesitation, but she moved out nicely when asked.
The sun dipped below the mountain on our way back home, so we picked up the pace a little. I love spending time with Morgie and today was no exception.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Morgan is not one to miss a snack ... ever
29 Minute Walk/Ride
1.81 miles
1.81 miles
Hey Morgan, it's your turn for a walk!
Who, Me?
I think I'll just stay here and snack. You go ahead without me, I'll be fine.
Seriously Morg, those are the most adorable ears ever. I could almost give up riding just to stare at them for a while. But ... I hear there are carrots for Morgans who go for rides.
CARROTS?! Mmmm, Let's go!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
So, um ... Reagan left me in the desert ... alone
39 Minute Walk/Ride
1.89 miles
Upon hearing this, Reagan decided to do me a favor and let me have some quiet time in the dunes. Alone.
I followed her tracks and found her in the neighbor's yard. I checked for injuries, and finding none, I tightened up the cinch and climbed into the saddle. We retraced our original path at a "trot" (that was the most awful bouncy hot mess of a trot ever ... whatever did they do to you Reagan?!?) then turned around after half a mile and walked home.
1.89 miles
All was right in my world ... I said "Hey Reagan, ready for our outing?"
And she came right over to me. I thought: "Today is going to be awesome."
We walked out the front gate and wandered out to the sand dunes. I said: "Geez, it's been a long time since I've been in the dunes. I kind of miss them."
I had moved her over to a mound of sand so I could step in the saddle for our trip home. Her butt was too far away, so I hopped off the mound, walked around her, and gave her big bum a push. She promptly scrambled up the mound and took off at a run.
Not a horrible way to spend the morning, but it did make me late for work. And what excuse did I have for my boss? My sorrel mare left me in the desert a 1/2 mile from the house. Honestly!
What did I learn from this adventure?
1) Don't let go of the reins with Reagan;
2) Get her in position before trying to mount; and
3) Work on that trot!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Double my pleasure
23 Minute Walk
Morgan and Reagan
1.01 miles
Took both mares out for a walk today ... they behaved really well! Morgan kept "checking" on Reagan, but Reagan was only interested in the snacks.
Reagan needed a refresher on gate etiquette this morning and after 5 passes, she settled down and walked through like a lady.
No complaints ... it was a great way to spend a chilly morning!
Morgan and Reagan
1.01 miles
Clowns to the left of me ...
Jokers to the right ...
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!

Took both mares out for a walk today ... they behaved really well! Morgan kept "checking" on Reagan, but Reagan was only interested in the snacks.
Reagan needed a refresher on gate etiquette this morning and after 5 passes, she settled down and walked through like a lady.
No complaints ... it was a great way to spend a chilly morning!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Forecast: More Wind and Rain
19 Minute Walk
0.79 miles
0.79 miles
It was chilly this morning, and the horses were all damp and muddy
I did the best I could to groom Morg, but she was still sandy.
I figured she was going to roll in the sand as soon as I turned her out, so I tossed on her wool blanket and headed out for a walk.
We didn't go as far as we normally do, but I had fun walking, chatting, and snuggling my little bay girl. She seemed far more interested in the grass than my conversation, but I didn't really expect her to be chatty.
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