Sunday, March 8, 2015

More Surprises!

55 Minute Ride
Morgan - Bill and Wasabi
2.55 miles

Psst, guess who's joining us for a ride today?

Bill and Wasabi!  Long time, no see, right?  In fact, Wasabi's last ride was December 24, 2014.  This made the 9th ride for Bill & Wasabi
Wasabi was happy to be out, very cooperative and doing great ... for the first 30 minutes.  Then she started to give Bill some guff.  She picked her front hooves off the ground three times (less than a foot off the ground; she was testing not committing) and he put her in check quickly and quietly.

She was perfectly fine once we headed home and Bill let her stretch her legs as a reward.  Morg and I ambled along behind, content to just be out.  It was really nice to be able to ride with someone again!

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