Saturday, March 28, 2015

Bittersweet Day

10 minute ride
30 minute ride - Bill & Majesty

I had listed an ad for Reagan and received a phone call from a wonderful lady earlier in the week.  She wanted to come take a look at her and a horse our farrier was selling on Sunday.  So, we loaded Reagan and Majesty up and hauled them to the local arena. 
We chatted while I saddled her up, explained that she was in heat, so this was going to be her at her very worst ... Reagan snorted indignantly to show me what she thought of that statement.  She took a step away from the mounting block while I slid into the saddle, but that was the worst of it.  

I walked and trotted her around the arena then hopped out of the saddle.  As soon as the lady got comfortable in the saddle a smile slid across her face.  She looked at Reagan the way I did, which made my heart warm.  She rode for a bit, then asked her friend to ride her as well.  Reagan carried the lady's friend around the arena and listened quietly for cues and basically was perfect.

The lady bought Reagan.  So, we will bid happy trails to Reagan the third week in April.

Meanwhile, Bill and Majesty took a stroll around the area, through the local sand dunes, and was a gentleman to the lady's grandson.  They ambled about for 30 minutes, then we loaded them up and took them home.  Morgan had to check each of them when they were put in the turn out.  She makes me laugh sometimes.

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