Sunday, December 7, 2014

Who's That Redhead?

Sunday, December 7th  60 minute ride 
Rode Sundance, with Bill and Wasabi

Me: Hey Sundance, who's a pretty girl?
Sundance: Oh yeah baby, that's me.

Sundance: We're really going out those gates?  You realize I haven't been off the property in a year, right?
Me: Don't be worried, we'll be fine!

Sundance: Holy crap! What's that noise???!
Me: Calm down, it's a camera. I'll put it away for a while.

It was obvious Sundance hadn't been out in quite some time.  She gave me a hard time a mere two houses away from our place, and then refused to move forward after another two houses.  With reassurance and calm directives, we were able to work through the issues.  

Before Morgan, I would have given up when Sundance started acting spooky ... now, I put her to work and then breathed in and out calmly until she moderated her breathing to match mine.  

Each time she did what I asked, I praised and rubbed her ... a little positive reinforcements went a long way to calming her down.  With a few more rides she'll be back on track.

What I learned is not to match Sundance & Wasabi.  Sundance and Majesty have the same slow, ambling (more like shambling) walk so they would be a better pair.
Wasabi stepped over that log with enthusiasm!
She might make a jumper yet.

Morgan: You went for a ride without me? Seriously?!

Morgan: Come here, let me sniff you all over to make sure you're ok.
Me: Oh Morgie, I love you.

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