Sunday, December 14, 2014

New Headstalls Don't Change Your Horse's Mindset

Sunday, December 14th  35 minute ride 

Morgan got a new headstall because I didn't like the way the other one-eared headstall fit.  I love the buttery soft leather of the new one! Morgan didn't seem to care one way or the other.  What she did care about was not going out for a ride.

Morgan: Are you sure you want to be out here alone?  Gina said there were mountain lions out here.
Me: Morg, Gina lives 10 miles away on the other side of the valley.  We're safe. I promise.

Morgan: Just in case, let me get a last meal in.
Me: Morg, let's get going. Seriously.

Morgan: But, that looks like prime mountain lion hunting ground ahead.
Me: Um, Morgan ... that's exactly the same path we just rode on ... all we did was reverse directions.

Morgan: Did you hear that?  Maybe the mountain lion followed us home!
Me: Mountain lions are scared of jingle bells, which is why you are wearing them.
Morgan: Really?  Why are you grinning like that then?
Morgan: Hurry up with my treats so I can get back to the safety of the herd!
Me: Morgie, I heard they only eat Paints ... you'll be fine.

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