Saturday, December 20, 2014

New Reins

Saturday, December 20th  60 minute ride 
Rode with Bonnie and Cutty

Hey Morgan, I got you a gift!

Did you bring me a treat?

New reins!  Aren't they wonderful?!


An hour later ...
You look a little tired there Morgie girl.  Maybe next time you won't make fun of me when I bring you a gift.

Seriously, the new reins are incredible!  I love, love, love them!  

Went for an hour ride with Bonnie and found a new path that Morg and I should be able to follow on our own.  We were only gone an hour, but we trotted the entire time and Morgan did very well with the pace.  She was, however, riding behind a stud and she was rather a snot about not riding up his bum.

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