Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Ride - 60 degrees outside, in December, really

Wednesday, December 24th  90 minute ride 
Rode with Bill and Wasabi, T & Sassy, Krystal & Buddy

"To my mind, nothing compares with the kinship between man and animal you find on the back of a horse." - Ronald Reagan

Wasabi decided to test Bill a bit today.  When he took off her halter to switch to her headstall, she took off running.  Then she realized the yard was fenced and was caught easily.  Bill put the halter back on her and made her work for a while before switching over to the headstall.  I figured it was just Wasabi's way of testing her boundaries.  
Bill, T, and Krystal

We headed out the gate and were barely away from the property when we saw two riders in Santa hats on paints coming towards us.  It was T and her friend out exercising horses.  They joined us, but Morgan was very clear that she didn't want anyone near her ... she was pinning her ears and had a mental meltdown if they got too close to her or Wasabi.  I really hate it when she is in heat.

Morgan and I above the gorge ... Bill, T & Krystal riding along amicably

She was just a basket case, and I had to keep running her in circles or up and down hills, and making her work parallel to the group because I didn't trust her with the other horses.  I was exhausted after 20 minutes and not having a very good time. 

Wasabi, on the other hand, accepted the two other horses with no issues and alternated between taking the lead and bringing up the rear.  She climbed sand dunes like it was no big deal, and went farther than she ever had under saddle. She was amazing.

Wasabi on the way home ... look how low she was carrying her head ... poor dear was tired!

After 40 minutes, T and her friend broke off and headed towards home.  Bill and I veered off to our normal riding path and Morgan's brain seemed to flip on the "normal" switch and she settled down.  About 20 minutes later, we stopped to give Wasabi a rest because she was drooping.  

Morgan had settled down, but was not in the mood for glamour shots

We ambled back at a slower pace, but about 10 minutes away from the house Wasabi started to act up.  She kept touching her nose to her middle area.  From the saddle, I couldn't see anything that might be pinching or causing her pain.  When we got home and Bill removed the saddle he noticed that the back cinch had rubbed a portion of her hair off and the skin looked irritated.  Poor girl!  Bill rubbed some salve on the area and she dropped her head in his arms and practically went to sleep.  She and Bill will do great things together.

While Morgan and I?  Well, we do great things every time she is not in heat!

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