Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012 - 45 minutes

Morgan & Mochie
Saddled up Morgan and ponied Mochie for a walk around the "block."  Had a little trouble getting them into position to mount - an extra pair of hands would have been really helpful.  Went down the north driveway and turned west to the corner.  

Morgan made Mochie trot at a few spots, but they easily slowed to a walk when asked.  Tried to trot the last stretch home, but Mochie was too lazy.

Unhooked Mochie and took Morgan out by herself.  We wandered through the open desert and walked calmly home, even when a 4 wheeler passed us on the road.  Took a few pictures and thought again that the best view in world is between Morgan's ears :)

* took pics from saddle

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