Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 - Morgan - 2 Hours

Ditched work early and ran home to join in another trail ride.  Rode Morgan because she needs experience with others.  Bill borrowed Seven.
This time Morg led the pack with Jackie (on Cash) following.  We had to stop three times to let the others catch up.  Morg does not like to stand still. *sigh* 

 We skipped the backing up obstacle, but did the others.  There was one rather large sand dune that everyone wanted to try, so Morg and I charged the hill.  Made it about 1/4 of the way before we turned back.  Need a breast collar to try something that vertical.  One other horse made it up.  Bill and Seven got 1/2 way up before Seven bogged down.

Morgan and I took off to run while they were playing with the hill.  Came back and this time got in the back of the pack.  Morg spent the rest of the ride basically shoving Seven along, but she walked.  We didn't do well at the "gate" obstacle, but we did better than the time before.  I did manage to get the "gate" closed.

While waiting for the others to go through the gate, I tried to keep Morg standing still.  I noticed her cheek strap was bulging and reached forward to adjust it.  She started spinning in circles as soon as my hand closed on the strap.  Had to let go and sit back in the saddle. 

Then we battled about standing still.  When she finally stood, I hopped off and adjusted the strap.  She really fought me and I am ashamed to say I lost patience and gave her a smack to the cheek to get her attention. 
I got back in the saddle and rode her in last place the rest of the time.  Twice she's acted out in the same spot.  I suppose she's anxious to get home, but really, we need to work on standing still and stopping again.  She doesn't stop like she used to anymore.  She also wouldn't load - even with a flag or the butt rope.  I think she was mad at me.  I was upset with her too.

Guess I'll be riding Mochie in Saturday's trail ride. Dang it.

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