Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 10, 2012 - Wasabi, Sundance & Morgan

Sabi - 30 minutes
Rode Sabi outside the turn out.  She was not so hot to ride as I was.  Did ok the first 10 minutes - even walked down the driveway while Bill was burning weeds in an open stack, but she kept wanting to trot when she wasn't asked to and didn't wan to go the direction asked.  Got into an argument with her when I asked her to stop and she gave a small buck, so I pulled the reins up.  The she reared up once and then twice.  She was headed up a third time when I dismounted, and smacked her hard.  Then stared her down before remounting and then she walked when and where as politely as Mochie. Hmmm.

Sundance - 10 minutes
Saddled Dance and rode around the yard for a bit.  Asked her for a trot, but cut it short due to her limp.

Morgan - 20 minutes
Saddled a miffed Morgan, but she did great!  We rode out the north driveway and around the block, back to the stalls.  We putzed around and then walked around the block in the opposite direction.  This made her a bit nervous, but she handled it like a rock star!

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