Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 17, 2012 - Mochie, Majesty, & ACTHA ride

Rode Mochie on the trail ride.  Was told I would need to ride 1st because there was a young Morgan stallion who walked fast.  Damn!  Where was my Morgan?!  They left before I could get Mochie out the gate and tried to catch up, but Mochie did her springy walk/trot and bounced my iPod out of my pocket twice cause me to turn back/dismount.  Once I saw the Morgan had made the 1st turn, I headed Mochie back to join the 2nd group and Majesty.  She hustled her butt back, that's for sure!
Mochie & Majesty waiting to head out on the trail

She kept dragging her feet, but she kept with the pack and only occasionally tried to snack on the road.  I can't seem to keep her on the trail ... she wanders off to the left/right, but not straight.

Mochie and I at the top of a sand dune

Majesty climbed the huge hill on his first try, then 
calmly walked back down.  Bill had the camera, so no pics. :(
Mochie and I finding the trail

We let Maj, Mochie, and Gina's horse stretch out and canter at one point.  Great fun!  Still not used to the bumpy ride of a QH :)
Some days, I'm amazed at the scenery we get to see

They finished just fine and loaded right up.  Good day, but I still wish I'd taken Morgan.

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