Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 28, 2012 - Sabi, Morgan, Majesty

Worked Wasabi in the turn out for a few minutes and then saddled her.  Bill decided to ride her, so he put in a bit.  Sabi did a great job standing while he mounted and I walked her around on a lead rope.  Then I removed the lead rope and just walked beside her for a bit.  We walked and trotted, and she came to a stop on the second request.  
Bill had me stand off to the side while he rode her a bit - she did really well!  I opened the gate and we walked to the end of the driveway - she gave a little guff, but was manageable.  Turned and walked her back.  She fought a little when asked to stop, but still ok.  
I hopped on and rode her in the ease area, then asked her to trot back.  Between the 2 trailers was a tarp and she stepped everywhere but on it.  Cute!  Did a little yard work, then hopped off.  
Bill said he was really impressed with the work we'd done in the last few months. :)

Saddled up our two and headed down the street, then out into the open desert.  Had them walk in the "craters" left by the rain, through open areas, up sand dunes, and down the utility road for a bit before heading back.  Little kids were playing on the sand dunes and Morg gave a "start" at the sight of them, but collected herself rather quickly.  
Pushed them to a controlled trot in the open areas, let them lope down the utility road, and then let them move out to a run when the road was clear.  Fun!  I think that's the first time Morg dropped her "gait" with me :)
We played dodging and darting through bushes on the way home at various speeds.  Both were sweaty when we untacked, but not breathing hard.  Hosed them off and gave hugs :)

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