Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 21, 2012 - Morgan & Mochie

Took Morgan for a quick 20 minute ride with Mochie in tow.  The change in Morgan was adorable!  She was acting like a "tour guide" and taking Mochie to all her favorite spots - over to the planter where all the "snacks" are (Mochie actually stepped up into the planter trying to get snacks).

Walked around the block using the washed out road.  Morgan decided to take Mochie between the bush and the front porch when we got back to the shous.  Mochie pulled back (yanking my shoulder a bit), but Morg kept going forward, down the driveway and Mochie followed along.  Morgan made Mochie trot at a couple of points, but couldn't get them to a lope.  I left them standing under a tree snacking on grass while I untacked Morgan then led them both to the turn out and fed.  Fun!

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