Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7, 2012 - Barrel Work

* switched to Chaffhaye *

Morgan and Mochie were in the turn out.  I figured I'd squeeze in a quick ride on Morg, so I started grooming her.  Mochie kept shoving Morg away so I groomed her as well.  I saddled Morg and played in the yard, in the street, and went out the driveway, down 2 properties before turning back and walking through the desert. 

Once back at our driveway, I ran her at the barrel and turned round it, then back down the driveway.  We did this three times before she got what I was asking for.  Figured we'd better be ready for a keyhole race if we are going to compete. :)

Had a great time.  She sweated a little bit, so I know she worked!

Untacked her and tacked up Mochie.  She was eager to go around the property and was rather bold stepping down the driveways.  Every time she was asked for a trot, she gave a crowhop before complying.  Dork.  Spent about 15 minutes playing before I untacked her.

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