Friday, November 25, 2016

Hoof Trim Day & Maj Misbehaves

43 minutes - 1.38 miles - Majesty
 This morning was hoof trim day. Wasabi spent her time licking the hoof stand, Sundance fell asleep, Morgan worried, Majesty took a kick at the farrier, and Rhulain kept rubbing her nose on my sleeve.  I love getting to spend time with them doing nothing but snuggling ... great way to start the day!
I took Majesty out for a ride since it was windy in the afternoon.  He was a toad.  He threw a kick when I wouldn't let him have his way.  Interesting.  On the way home, he kept rushing so I made him circle until he slowed down.  At one point, he got cranky and threw little crow hops.  I smiled and put him on larger circles.

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