Thursday, November 24, 2016

Ground Work, Petal Pattern

87 minutes - 0.75 miles - Rhulain (40 min ground, 20 min tack/untack, 27 min walk/ride)
 I was thinking about Rhulain's back legs issue and decided to go back to square one.  Started with touching her all over with the lead rope, a riding crop, and finally the flag.  She looked like she was praying the flag would go away, but then resignedly reached out and touched it. We worked all over until she stopped flinching when it touched her legs.
Picture from Jonathan Field Horsemanship 
 Then we took a break and spent extra time grooming before saddling.  We worked in the yard doing a "petal" pattern which focused on setting back on her haunches for a nice, tight 360 degree turn before going back out.  She did really well on the right turns, less well on the left turns, but she was balanced throughout.

Then she got to blow off steam by selecting the direction and pace in the far side of the yard.  I was completely passive and curious to see what she chose to do with the freedom.  She stopped and drank out of the dog's water a few times and seemed to have a good time.
We unsaddled and just stood for a few minutes.  When I lead her to the stall, she stopped outside the gate.  She didn't want to go in ... which to me meant she had a good time.  So did I Rhu!

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