Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day Light Savings Time Ride

60 minutes - 2.5 miles - Rhulain

Since we had an extra hour of daylight, I figured the best way to spend it was with Rhulain.  We walked beside each other for the first half mile, and she looked like she was sleepwalking, despite the wind kicking up.
Then I hopped in the saddle and her anxiety kicked in ... head came up, nostril's flaring, and heavy breathing.  So, I asked her to stop and we just stood until her breathing slowed and matched mine.  Then we walked on again.  Every time she started to trot, we either circled around bushes or trotted in the opposite direction until she settled into a walk.  I almost got frustrated and then I realized we needed to have a not so good ride so we can get to the great rides.

On the way home, she was absolutely wonderful.  Trotted when asked, opened and shut the gate like a pro, and stood perfectly still while I untacked and groomed.  Love this horse.

Only issue ... couldn't get the dang saddle straight.  It slid to the left; I got off and adjusted. It slid to the right and I tried to adjust from her back, but couldn't get it straight.  I gave up and rode with it shifted the whole time. Grrrr.

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