Sunday, June 12, 2016

Night Moves

27 minutes - 1.06 miles - Wasabi
17 minutes - 1.07 miles - Rhulain

I put the kid to bed at 9:00 pm and then took the trash outside.  It was a lovely 85 degrees and light enough to take a walk.  I grabbed Morgan's halter and headed to the turn out, but she hid behind Sundance.   
Wasabi put her muzzle on my shoulder, so I opted to see how she would do.  Fabulously well it turns out.
The first few minutes she kept her muzzle low to the ground, but then she was walking along as if this were broad daylight and she did this all the time.  I was really proud of her effort! 
 Figuring I had a few more minutes, I switched horses and headed back out the gate with Rhulain in tow.  She drug along behind me for the first quarter mile but then picked up pace and we jogged on an off for the rest of the mile.
I asked her if we could slow down and she stuck her tongue out at me ... She stayed that way until I took a picture of her ... silly mare!

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