Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hoof Trim & Horse Time

16 minutes - 0.5 miles - Morgan & A
25 minutes - 1.02 miles - Rhulain

While holding the lead rope waiting for hooves to be trimmed, I have the opportunity for oodles of odd pictures.  Today's random shots are proof that I have entirely too much time on my hands.
Sundance (Red Heads unite!)
Morgan (cuddly and best behaved)
Wasabi (licking the farrier's stand. sigh)
Rhulain (filthy after last night's rain)
Majesty (slept with his head on my shoulder)
After getting a trim and some breakfast, we went for a walk.  It was almost 90 degrees, so we kept it slow and short.
Morgie seemed quite puzzled by the neighbor's stallion taking an interest in her ... in fact, she seemed quite worried about his studdish antics and hid behind me on the way home. 
Dropped off Morgan and the kid and grabbed Rhulain.  We did a mile at what I thought was a mellow pace, but we actually walked at 3.0 mph pace ... which shows me our hard work has paid off.

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