Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Morgan Wishes and Rhulain Kisses

30 minutes - 1.47 miles - Morgan
20 minutes - 0.90 miles - Rhulain
I said I wished I could have more saddle time.  Bill surprised me by taking over bath and bedtime duties, which gave me the gift of time.  I promptly ran outside and asked Morgan if she would mind taking me for a ride.  She's the only one I trusted to keep me safe in the windy twilight.  
It was glorious, simply perfect. 

I was so utterly happy that I wanted to share the joy with Rhulain.  I grabbed a halter and we went for a walk.  No agenda, no trail, no time frame or pressure.  Just a walk filled with scratches, kisses, cuddling, and relaxation.

Much needed, much appreciated, and oh so happy horse time.

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