Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012 - Morgan likes strawberries

Discovered Morgan likes strawberries.
78 degrees, slightly windy, 7:30 pm.  PERFECT!

Saddled Morgan and mounted outside the turn out.  Told Morgan we were riding solely for the fun of it ... go anywhere at any speed she wanted; I would only pick up the reins if I had to.

We flew to the top of the turn out, turned and sped back to the trailer area, turned and cantered back to the turn out area.  She headed to the front of the yard, headed out to the street and paused.  I let her think about it and then we headed back towards the house (people were walking in our direction).  We climbed the "sand dunes" in front of the house, tore down the driveway, zoomed by the goats, back to the turn out, down that driveway, turned and out the back by the trailers.  We hung out in that open field for a while and then trotted back to the tack shed.

I found that if I didn't think about my legs/seat/positioning I was able to sit comfortably at all speeds with a loose cinch.  Great fun!

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