Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

90 plus degrees.  Took Morgan for a 20 minute ride around the yard.

Blasted through her favorite spot (top of turn out) and played in the brush between driveway and street.  Went around the house at a walk; went out by the back of the stalls; over to the goats by the feed bin.  Walked from carport to tack shed by the house.  Alternated between trotting, walking, and faster.  Great ride with no balking and only slight hesitancy when asked to go by goats.

Took Wasabi for a walk by the top of the turn out, down the dunes, and around the neighbor's house.  She did pretty well - only a little speedy coming back to the house.  She gets a little pushy but no bucking or rearing.  Would have felt comfortable riding her around the house.

Morg did NOT like that I took Sabi out.  She ran up and down the turn out snorting.  When we got back, Morg had to give me the all-over sniff to make sure I was OK.  Had treats in my shirt pocket ... not a good idea for the future.  Boob bites may occur.

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