Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, 2012

Took Wasabi for a walk.  Tied her off in various locations while I fed.

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012 - Fly Mask "Fun"

Tried to put a fly mask on Sabi today ... she turned and ran out of the stall in to the turn out.  I made her run a lap and Luppy came running into the arena to chase her back to her stall.  :)  Sabi stood still but moved her head around while I put on the mask.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012 - Loud celebrations = distractions

Rode Majesty outside the turn out, but he didn't have a good time.  Toes are too long and the neighbors were having a Father's Day celebration complete with yelling children, three wheeler rides down our street, and loud music.  After two trips up the driveway and one by the top of the turn out, and a few scan moments by the back of the stalls we called it a day.

I took Sabi for a walk in the desert farther than before.  Despite the distractions, she did fairly well; only circled around me twice before returning to a walk.  Had there not been a fiesta, I would have tried riding her.  Dang it.  Thought about ponying her off Majesty for Monday.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 2012

Bill rode Sundance and I rode Morg, but we didn't get out there until 8:00 pm so it was dark.  Dance tried a few laps, but she was pulling her leg.  

I let Morg move out down the back stretch and Dance tried to cut the corner and run, but it looked like it hurt.  So we only rode in the turn out for about 10 minutes.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 2012 - Short Ride

Windy and warm.  Wasn't sure if I wanted to ride.  Neither was Morgan.  Guess 6 days in a row is too many for both of us.  Wasn't a bad day, but I could tell she didn't want to go.

We made one lap around the house, but she spotted the goat feed on top of the wine casket and we had a "discussion" about moving on.  She was not happy, but she did what I asked.  After a short 10 minutes we called it a night.  

She did way better with mounting, which is good!

Wasabi looks like she'd like to go for a ride.  I might try it Saturday.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 2012

Rode Morgan - first time ever riding 5 days in a row!
I love that when I am outside, Morgan is watching me.  Anytime I face the stalls or turn out, she's looking right at me

We walked the path from last night and then I mounted.  Still having trouble getting her to hold still on the first few times, but it is dinner time and she wants to go, go, go!  We rode the pattern we just walked.  Had a little hesitation at the corner - she doesn't like the sun directly in her face, but we turned the corner and walked nicely to the side driveway before I let her trot.  

We were going to do the pattern twice, but she seemed interested in exploring the area between the goats and the street so we hung out there for a while.  She stared off towards Amy's house for a while - no idea why.

We left and played in the sandy area by the turn out, down the walkway by the neighbor's house, then turned and walked back to the driveway before I let her run to the tack shed.  We goofed around a bit more until she found the goat's feed in front of the tack shed.  The I had to fight her for a bit to avoid the rebar.  Not too bad, just insistent.

Went down the driveway one more time before calling it a night.  She did trip as she was running back to the tack shed, but pulled out of it ... thought we were going to take a header!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012 - Sundance's Escape

So proud of Morgan! 

We went out at dinner time and took a walk by the goats, around a bush, crossed the driveway, circled and crossed the street, circled bush and came back.  Then I got in the saddle and we rode that same pattern with only minor moving of the reins once!

Then we marched out by the arena and out to the street.  We wandered through the area in front of the yard and were going down the driveway when Morgan spun around ... Sundance was behind us.  I had left her stall and the turn out open.  I hopped off, walked them both back, and put Dance away.

I walked Morgan back down the driveway and down the street to the corner of Cicchi & Emerald, around the yard and back down the driveway.  I re-mounted and rode for a bit more before letting her finish dinner.  

The girl was ready to go down the driveway and out into the open desert - darn me for leaving Sundance's gate open.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012 - Finding Contentment

For adults, hours in the saddle are stolen pleasures.

Rode Traveller in the turn out.  He wasn't happy as dinner had just been served.  Had to figure a way to climb on him bareback - decided to let him eat in his stall while I climbed up.  Rode around the turn out for a few minutes, but it was clear he didn't want to be disturbed.  I forget that sitting on him puts me five feet in the air.  Everything looks so different from that perspective ... I can't see over his head like Morg or Sabi and the ground seems so very far down.

He's bony and high-withered and it's uncomfortable to ride him bareback.  He's slimmer than Morg and not nearly as smooth, but he's oh so patient and slow. :)

Morgan was clearly upset that I rode Traveller.  She had called out to me when I approached the turn out with the bitless, and huffed when I put it on T.  I hopped on her, but she didn't want to ride in the arena and kept going to the gate.  If I had a saddle I would have opened it and gone out, but she was fired up and I didn't want to run with no saddle.

We sat at the gate and looked out at the sand dunes, and watched the sun set.  I realized how comfortable I was on her ... she's wide enough to make me feel secure but not stretched; her head is always straight up but I can see between her ears easily; she chuffs and huffs but it's not scary.  On her back I am at ease.  

With Majesty I get the feeling he'll take care of me.  On Smoke (Lil'Red) I get the feeling I'm the support base and I have to be alert at all times.  On Sabi it's a battle of wills for control.  On Sundance I am comfortable, relaxed, but I feel her limping so I worry about her too much to enjoy more than a few minutes.

With Morgan, I find peace and exhilaration, contentment and thrill.  I, too, want to ride out to the sand dunes with Morg!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

90 plus degrees.  Took Morgan for a 20 minute ride around the yard.

Blasted through her favorite spot (top of turn out) and played in the brush between driveway and street.  Went around the house at a walk; went out by the back of the stalls; over to the goats by the feed bin.  Walked from carport to tack shed by the house.  Alternated between trotting, walking, and faster.  Great ride with no balking and only slight hesitancy when asked to go by goats.

Took Wasabi for a walk by the top of the turn out, down the dunes, and around the neighbor's house.  She did pretty well - only a little speedy coming back to the house.  She gets a little pushy but no bucking or rearing.  Would have felt comfortable riding her around the house.

Morg did NOT like that I took Sabi out.  She ran up and down the turn out snorting.  When we got back, Morg had to give me the all-over sniff to make sure I was OK.  Had treats in my shirt pocket ... not a good idea for the future.  Boob bites may occur.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012 - Morgan likes strawberries

Discovered Morgan likes strawberries.
78 degrees, slightly windy, 7:30 pm.  PERFECT!

Saddled Morgan and mounted outside the turn out.  Told Morgan we were riding solely for the fun of it ... go anywhere at any speed she wanted; I would only pick up the reins if I had to.

We flew to the top of the turn out, turned and sped back to the trailer area, turned and cantered back to the turn out area.  She headed to the front of the yard, headed out to the street and paused.  I let her think about it and then we headed back towards the house (people were walking in our direction).  We climbed the "sand dunes" in front of the house, tore down the driveway, zoomed by the goats, back to the turn out, down that driveway, turned and out the back by the trailers.  We hung out in that open field for a while and then trotted back to the tack shed.

I found that if I didn't think about my legs/seat/positioning I was able to sit comfortably at all speeds with a loose cinch.  Great fun!