Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reagan's Ground Work

24 minutes
Reagan - ground work
0.14 miles

I knew it was going to be dark soon, but I wanted to work on Reagan standing still at the mounting area.  I saddled her up (and stole back my old saddle pad which Bill "borrowed" almost a year ago) but left her in a halter for flexing work.  She gave her head quickly, quietly, and consistently from both sides so I switched her to the bitless bridle.

We spent the next 15 minutes having her stand while I climbed in the saddle, then flexed her neck to each side.  Sometimes we flexed twice, sometimes three times, sometimes only once, but each time I settled in to the saddle she flexed before I asked her to move off.  I'll reinforce the lesson on Thursday and Friday just to make sure it's cemented and then let her new owner know what we've done.

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