Saturday, April 18, 2015

Chickens in my bathtub for the last time

16 minutes
1.38 miles

A clear sign it's time to move the chicks outside permanently.

They were put out in the coop Saturday during the day then brought in before it got dark.  Sunday morning found four little chicks ready to go outside.  They seemed to mingle well with the other hens, so they got to spend the night outside for the first time.  Checked on them Monday morning, and they were just fine.

Snuck in a quick ride Saturday evening ... we were out about 10 minutes and I had to ask Morgan to pick up the pace or we weren't going to make it home while I could still see the road ahead of us.  She started trotting and then a neighbor's dog shot out of their yard and under Morgan.  She maintained pace, but a second dog joined the chase.  I thought about turning Morg and chasing the dogs home, but the light was fading fast.

So I asked for more speed and she quickly outdistanced the dogs.  At the corner we saw one of our friends driving to our house.  I told him we'd race him and let Morg head off down the dirt path paralleling the road.  He let Morgan win, so we opened the front gate for him cause we're all nice like that.

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