Thursday, June 26, 2014

Windy, with a Side of Watermelons

Thursday, June 26. Evening ride, 15 minutes, temperature over 95°
Just Morgan and I
Rode around the house to the beginning of the pavement

Too hot to seriously ride, but with the wind it felt cooler. Took Morg on a quick ride within three blocks from our property.  German Shepherd came after Morg again, but she challenged him and he scurried back within his property boundaries.

Took the same path as we had been working on the past few days, but instead of turning right and heading home we turned left and rode an additional quarter of a mile. Once we reached the pavement, we turned and headed home. No issues whatsoever. Stretching her boundaries a little at a time seems to help with her anxiety of going out alone.  Thrilled with her progress!

Came home and untacked. I had slices of watermelon ready for her after ride snack.  She loves to eat the red portion and then spits the rinds on the ground.  Interestingly enough, the mustang prefers to eat the rinds.  So there was treats for both of them!

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