Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday Trotting

June 24th  92° at 8:00 pm; 15 minute ride
Solo with Morgan
Around the block

Hadn't planned on riding but when I went outside to feed the goat, Morgan kept following me around. Grabbed the treeless and hackamore and was tacked up in 4 minutes.

Did a quick lap around the block as the sun was sliding behind the mountains. Little kids were outside playing and making noises ... Morgie kept looking towards the noise but kept moving forward at a trot.  Seems she shares my feelings on kids.

Back home, untracked, fly mask back on, turned out, and me back in the house by 8:24 pm. Bill didn't even notice our escape!
May 6, 2014
This is what happens when you try to put the cell phone in your pocket ... 
Odd shoulder shots

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