Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dunes & Fire

Saturday, June 28th  about 90°  Left @ 8:05 pm, Arrived home 9:08 pm
Rode with T & Red, T's Mom and Neighbor
Some dunes, mostly middle of the street

Nice and sunny at 8:00 pm

Was headed out by myself, but as I was in the tack shed getting a headstall, I heard T & Red coming down the driveway.  What a pleasant surprise and fortuitous timing!  She was headed to the dunes with her mother and a neighbor and stopped in to see if I wanted to join them.  Tossed on a headstall and headed down the road to catch up to the leggy Thoroughbreds.

Following T & Red

We started out in the dunes, but quickly lost the Thoroughbreds.  No matter.  T & I had been in these dunes dozens of times and felt comfortable playing around until the sun started slipping behind the mountains.  We did see the other two in the distance when we came out of the dunes, but they were too far away to catch.
Um, not so sure about this fire stuff, but OK

We headed to my house to let Bill know we were alright ... I know he worries when I'm out in the dark.  He had started a fire and invited T to join us for some hot dogs and marshmallows.  We decided to follow T & Red home since it was getting dark and then I would ride home by myself.  I'd swap the Morgan for a car and pick up T so she could join us for "dinner."

Wait ... did you hear something behind us?

No incidents on the way to T's house; just a pleasant ride down the middle of the street.  Once she was safely home, I turned Morg around and let her trot home.  Didn't have any trouble at all after her initial nervousness.  Made it home in no time, untacked her, and took a few quick pictures before turning her out.

I was surprised by the amount of sweat she had worked up, but trotting two miles in the dark can do that to a girl.  All in all, a great evening.

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