Friday, March 3, 2017

Rhulain's Cranky Face is Still Kissable

1.26 miles - 21 minutes - Rhulain
Uh oh, someone is not happy about leaving her herd. 
A month between walks is far too long.
 She started to perk up once we got on a familiar path ... The one that leads to the snacking spot.
 Ah yes, Rhulain never misses an opportunity to munch down on fresh grass shoots, dead leaves, and brush. Her motto is ... Try everything once!
 At the halfway point, we got in some good snuggle time. Lots of her snacking and me drinking in her essence. I had forgotten her smell.
She still takes my breath away. So gorgeous! She might have slowed me down on the walk today, but I needed the time with her. The occasional morning snuggles are no substitute for real horse time.

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