Thursday, March 23, 2017

Rhulain vs Trash Cans

28 minutes - 1.25 miles - Rhulain
The sun was dropping fast, but I figured Rhulain and I could squeeze in a walk.  We hustled for the first half mile, then goofed off and she snacked for a bit before we started home.  The wind bothered her and she was amped, but she never crowded me so I let her be.

When we got home, I had her "help" me bring in the trash can. She hated every second. So, we went out and grabbed the second one as well. She was not entertained by my actions. Ah, well.

I put her in the turn out so she could kick up her heels and race around a bit. She did not disappoint! Always a pleasure to watch her antics 😃

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