Monday, February 27, 2017

Happy Birthday Morgan!

Morgan turned 19 years old today! She is still my favorite go-to-girl and I am thankful she has put up with me the past 6 years.  Here is to another 6 years (and more) of adventures, silly faces, and pleasurable rides together. Much love to my Morgie Moonpie! 💘

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

My Beloved Rhulain

.40 miles - 26 minutes - Rhulain

The moon was out in force last night ... bright enough I could sneak in a ride.  So I did.

I turned Rhulain out so she could get all her wiggles out.  She bucked, she reared, she rolled, she chased the doberman ... then she came to the gate and watched me intently.
We did ground work in the turn out, then I saddled her up and we rode in the turn out.  It was wonderful.  She was marvelous.  I have missed her SO much. 

She lined up perfectly at the gate to let me open it ... we've gone through gates before, but they were 12 foot in length, while this one is only 4 feet wide and has a bar over our head.  She waited patiently until I ducked and asked for movement before swinging her hips over and walking quietly through the gate.
After untacking her, I hopped on bareback and rode her around the yard then hopped off at her stall.  So happy.  I can't express how much I needed THIS ride with HER. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

No Horse Weekend

The weather was warm enough to get outdoors and do chores.  The rain and Wasabi have done some serious damage on the stalls.  We dug all the junk out and Bill brought over loads of new sand for me to fix the stalls.  We worked for several hours, and got all five done.

The doberman, Ryver, watched me work and rolled around in the sand.  So not helpful!  The stalls were gorgeous when we were done ... so much so, I didn't want to put the horses back in the stalls.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

5K Marathon!

3.19 miles - 38 minutes
 We asked the kid what prize he would like for getting "greens" all month in January.  He said he wanted to run a marathon.  Wait, what?!  

So, we trained all month long and joined the "Super Run, Heroes vs Villains" 5K marathon.  All runners got a cape and everyone who finished got a medal.  We went dressed as Batman and Batgirl (of course) and he wore the cape the whole race.  I wore my Solmate Socks, because life is too short to wear matching socks (their slogan).
The kid jogged right with me for the full race at a steady 5mph pace. I was so impressed with him!  He wore the cape the rest of the day and was absolutely adorable.  He's already picking out which 5K we will be doing next.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

New Cats

On Saturday, when we had the internet provider workers over, the farrier over, a new worker to muck out the stalls, and in between me unsaddling Morgan and saddling Rhulain, the irksome renter from across the street came over with her horse in tow.  Now what?!  She said she was moving out of state and needed to find a home for her horse. Would I be interested in adopting the mare?  For free?  

Um, no.

I have my beloved Morgans ... I'm good.

On Sunday our farrier stopped by to tell us the horse ended up at their house.  That's good, they're nice people and they have two horses already. 

Later in the day, the home owner pulled up and found that his renters had deserted without paying him for the last few months.  They did leave him plenty of trash, stole the drawers out of the kitchen, and abandoned a dog.


I took pictures of the dog and posted it on our community garage sales page.  The dog found a home the next day. 

Last night I went to bring in the trash cans and two kittens came darting out of the neighbor's yard towards me.  I got them some water and food because they probably hadn't eaten since Saturday night.  They ate while I grabbed a cat carrier.  

I scooped them both up, dropped them in the carrier, and deposited them in our smaller enclosed yard.  The big dogs can't get to them, so they'd be safe.  

I checked on the kittens this morning. One of them licked our small dog's nose.  They'll be fine. Now comes the fun part ... names!  I was voting for Jupiter and Saturn.  Bill walked out and said "Hey Salt and Peppa!" They looked quite amused.  Sigh.

Next we will get them fixed and up to date on their shots.  There is no way I'm writing Salt and Peppa on vet paperwork.