Saturday, February 4, 2017

5K Marathon!

3.19 miles - 38 minutes
 We asked the kid what prize he would like for getting "greens" all month in January.  He said he wanted to run a marathon.  Wait, what?!  

So, we trained all month long and joined the "Super Run, Heroes vs Villains" 5K marathon.  All runners got a cape and everyone who finished got a medal.  We went dressed as Batman and Batgirl (of course) and he wore the cape the whole race.  I wore my Solmate Socks, because life is too short to wear matching socks (their slogan).
The kid jogged right with me for the full race at a steady 5mph pace. I was so impressed with him!  He wore the cape the rest of the day and was absolutely adorable.  He's already picking out which 5K we will be doing next.

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