Wednesday, February 8, 2017

My Beloved Rhulain

.40 miles - 26 minutes - Rhulain

The moon was out in force last night ... bright enough I could sneak in a ride.  So I did.

I turned Rhulain out so she could get all her wiggles out.  She bucked, she reared, she rolled, she chased the doberman ... then she came to the gate and watched me intently.
We did ground work in the turn out, then I saddled her up and we rode in the turn out.  It was wonderful.  She was marvelous.  I have missed her SO much. 

She lined up perfectly at the gate to let me open it ... we've gone through gates before, but they were 12 foot in length, while this one is only 4 feet wide and has a bar over our head.  She waited patiently until I ducked and asked for movement before swinging her hips over and walking quietly through the gate.
After untacking her, I hopped on bareback and rode her around the yard then hopped off at her stall.  So happy.  I can't express how much I needed THIS ride with HER. 

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