Saturday, January 28, 2017

Crazy Busy Day

19 minutes - 1.02 miles - Morgan
20 minutes - 1.11 miles - Rhulain
Workers from the local internet provider brought this monstrosity to our home Friday evening.  They worked on the "tower" in our yard all day Saturday.  
I was already up and moving when they arrived, because it was hoof trimming morning!  He trimmed everyone but Rhu ... said she was in fine shape and he'd check her again in a few weeks.
 Morgan and I headed out for a mile ride ... she was awful.  She spun in circles because there was a man fixing his gate, then she came unglued because there were trash cans on the side of the road (no spook when we walked by them the first time, but complete melt down on the way home), and panicked breathing the whole time.  I really need to spend more time with her apparently.

I took Rhulain out ... Bill was eating tic tacs and she was intrigued.  She licked them, but dropped them on the floor.  So not impressed.
Rhulain and I went for a walk/ride and as we were coming back up the road, the workers were parking their "lift" for the night.  Since it was there, and one never knows when you'll see a machine this size again, I decided to ride Rhulain around it a few times.  The lights were still flashing, the engine was ticking, and yet I made her squeeze between it and the monorail.  She did fine ... she reached out to touch it with her nose as we went by.

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