Monday, January 11, 2016

Wasabi is NOT a morning person

24 minutes - 1.11 mile (approx) - Wasabi & Luppy
Wasabi was the only one to meet me at the gate this morning.  I assumed she wanted to go on a walk so I took her out of the turn out area.  She was fine until I asked her to leave the snacks and head towards the gate ... then I got the "this is not fun anymore" face.  Ha!
She was generally well behaved.  She got a little worried about Luppy being away from us so long so I stopped her and called Luppy to join us.  I snapped a picture of Wasabi with the sun, then she lifted her nose and blocked the sun so I snapped another picture.  Amazing how different the pictures are for just a fraction of inches.
Luppy came running back to join us and we headed home.  Unfortunately, I must have paused the app that records our walk while taking pictures, because it only recorded our walk from the house to the turn around point.  Ah well, I just doubled the time and distance and called it a day.  

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