Sunday, January 10, 2016

Morgan Moonpie Makes Me Happy!

37 minutes - 2.0 miles - Morgan
Took Morgan for a walk with the intention of riding.  Took me 14 minutes to walk next to her for half a mile ... took her 23 minutes to carry me back 1.5 miles.  Hmmm.  Perhaps I need to pick up my pace a bit (or let her snack less during our walks).
She seemed to be having a good time until we heard a plane flying overhead.  She can't stand ATVs/quads and the plane engine sure sounded like a quad at first.  She danced in place, snorted, and then calmed down in a matter of seconds.  The sun broke out of the clouds on the way home, so we were able to warm up a bit.  Love spending time with my Morgie girl!

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