Sunday, December 27, 2015

Rhulain's Trailer Loading Session, Day 1

38 minutes - 1.62 miles - Rhulain
15 minutes - Trailer loading

Figured I'd better check to see how Rhulain felt about trailer loading.  As far as I know, she has only been trailer loaded a few times ... once for her trip from San Diego to New York, once to and from the trainer in New York, and once from New York to our house.  

She didn't seem too concerned about the trailer, and with minimal effort she would stick her nose and front hooves in.  After about 12 minutes, she loaded all the way in and stood like a rock until I unloaded her.  This doesn't look like it's going to be a problem, but I'll repeat it for the next few days.

After that, Rhulain and I headed out for a nice, long ride.  I walked next to her for the first half, then hopped in the saddle for the ride back.  Not many pictures as I was more focused on just being with her in that moment.  She ambled along without a care in the world.  So grateful for Rhu!

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