Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Rhulain's Trailer Loading Session, Day 3

24 minutes - 0.85 miles - Rhulain
10 minutes - Trailer loading

We tried a different trailer loading method today and it worked out well.  I attached a long line to her halter, ran it through the feed bin, then out the emergency door.  That way I could stand next to her and lend encouragement from beside her and give a bit of pressure on her face.  She figured it out in no time at all.  Love.This.Mare.

We headed out the front gate and wandered off for a ride.  Temperatures were falling, so we kept it short and sweet.

Love Wasabi's face ... she looks irritated that she's having to wait for food.  Silly mare.
Ryver (the doberman) has taken to Rhulain in an odd way.  Ryver runs to the gate to meet us upon our return and "guards" Rhu until I put her back in the turn out area.  He takes his job seriously.  I may have to start including him on our rides.  It's an option.

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