Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Strange Weather, Great Dog, Wonderful Horse

35 minutes - 1.55 miles - Rhulain & Luppy
 Sweetest face ever.
It was icy yesterday morning, so I dressed in multiple layers this morning expecting 21 degree weather.
It was 50 degrees outside. In mid-December. I'm so confused.

 Rhulain kept a watchful eye on her little yellow dog.
 And Luppy patrolled the path for errant jack rabbits.  She found a rather large one who lead her on a furious chase.  Luppy comes right back to us after her wanderings, so I let her have her fun.
 We walked for three quarters of a mile, then I hopped in the saddle and let Rhu carry me home.  She was a little forward, but settled into a wonderful pace and we had a nice, calm ride.  Rhu raced the dogs around the yard when we got in the gates ... gotta admire her spunk.  

Couldn't have asked for a better morning.

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