Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012 - Almost went team sorting

We were invited to a team setting session at Kelly's and decided to ride over.  I tacked up with the hornless but it felt like it was pinching her shoulders, so I switched over to the treeless.  Good idea since Morg was in heat, excited, and a little silly.

We had to run around the house a few times to work the sill out.  Hella fun for me, but a lot of work for her ... especially with it pushing 90 degrees.  Then Bill had to run Majesty around to get his silly out as well.  A good 30 minutes after walking out the door, we were able to start heading to Kelly's.

Morg was nervous and difficult to ride, but she stayed with me and tried hard.  I couldn't keep her in a straight line unless she was behind Majesty, but she walks faster than Maj so I kept having to bring her to a slow walk.  Three times we let them trot and/or lope.  I never worried about bringing her back to a walk or that she'd run off with me.  Twice she tried to turn home, but only needed gentle correction to keep going forward.

We made it to a quarter mile from Kelly's but we were all tired so we headed home down a different path.  She did much better heading home than going out, but she was tired.  We let them have their heads one property from the house, but I couldn't coax her into more than a lope.  We hosed them off and let them hang out in the arena for the rest of the day.  

Good day - not a great day - but good!

Friday, September 28, 2012

September 28, 2012 - Trying on the new saddle

If you ever want to know how awesome your horse is, buy a new saddle.

I hauled the saddle out and dropped it on Morgan's back while she was eating.  It looked good, so I decided to sit in it ... brought the step stool in, wrapped the latigo under her belly and tucked it through the cinch strap hole, and climbed on.  Then I realized I had not bridle on.  Hmmm.

Morgan started walking around the stall with just leg pressure, but I couldn't get her to stop because Majesty was trying to bite her over the rails.  Thankfully she did stop at the far end of the stall with a tug on her mane and I hopped off.

Only then did I realize how stupid that idea was.  The saddle wasn't on securely and it could have been bad.  Silly me.  I got a cinch, cinch strap, saddle pad, and the bitless and spent the next 20 minutes adjusting the saddle placement and stirrups.

Once I got it set, I climbed up and had Morg do a quick lap around the turn out.  Took 3 tries to get the saddle set up right.  Bet she was glad to see me go!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sometime between September 3rd & 24th, 2012

Rode Morgan twice - don't have dates.  Rode around the house, pushed her past her normal path by making her walk in the street rather than stay on driveway.  Also crossed the street north of the driveway and went into open field.  Rode at twilight.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2, 2012

We were supposed to ride with Wade yesterday, but we never received a call.

This morning I fed everyone and went out for an hour later for a ride.  I groomed Morg, but Mochie made it clear she wanted a ride so I took her first.  Been a while since I rode her around the property, but she handled it like a champ.  She barely trotted when asked for more speed (more like a fast walk, wait, and then trot if I continued to ask), but her steering was great!

I put her away and saddled Morgan.  Had to ask her to stand twice for mounting (without stool), and she started walking off before I was in the saddle.  Once I sat she began to trot towards the dogs area before I could get my foot in the stirrup. No matter, I found the stirrup once we stopped at the kitty condo for snacks.  She was bold today so we went round the yard to the planter then to the street.  We rode around the front of the property where the "dunes" are by the neighbors.  She flat out hauled ass to the tack shed.  Hella fun!

I laughed with delight and hopped off to hug her.  Since it was 90 degrees, I called it a day.  As I was leading her back to the turnout, she stopped.  I asked her to follow me, but she planted herself.  She wasn't done :)  I asked again and she walked in to the turnout.

Later I bathed Sundance, Majesty, Traveller, and Wasabi