Sunday, December 11, 2016

This is the Rhu I know and love!

31 minutes - 0.75 miles - Rhulain
I put a water trough in between Rhu and Wasabi ... they immediately set to playing in the water ... spitting water at each other, splashing water, stepping in it ... everything BUT drinking it.

After the chores were done, I decided to saddle up Rhulain.  We did some groundwork, some snuggling, some grooming, and some standing around flexing her neck while standing still.  She was so good, I set off to work the petal pattern again.  We did five nice patterns in both directions and then started wandering the yard.  She was so fabulous I seriously contemplated opening the gate and heading outside.  I think all this ground work and quiet time is really paying off ... a few more sessions and we'll be ready to ride off property again.

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