Monday, December 26, 2016

Petal Pattern Power!

52 minutes - 0.53 miles - Rhulain
25 minutes - 0.28 miles - Morgan
Rhulain and I did some ground work before saddling up and working in the yard.  It was a lovely way to spend an hour and I am really starting to like the petal pattern!  It's something she's really good at and helps us to settle.  I think I'll incorporate it into our sessions from now on.
Had just enough daylight left for a quick ride with Morgan.  We hung around the house checking out "scary" objects and then we worked on the petal pattern.  She was not happy about having to do circles; I can tell I've let her sit too long.  We'll have to work more than once a week to get back in the swing of things.  What's wonderful is that even on her worst day, she's still awesome and it's nothing we can't work through together.  She builds my confidence every time we're together.

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