Monday, September 5, 2016

First Ever Family Ride!

17 minutes - 0.54 miles - Morgan, Rhulain, and Majesty

Bill was hard at work cleaning out his shed full of tools.  Kid was busy building ramps for his dump truck to jump over.  And I took the opportunity to saddle up three horses and invite everyone for a ride around the yard.

Bill led the way, and gave the kid instructions on how to use the reins.  Morgan was absolutely amazing and so extremely patient.  Rhulain made it clear she didn't like being in the back.
Once I moved Rhu up to the front, her head dropped low, she breathed out, and she showed the Kid how to go around bushes and zig-zag through the yard.  I was very impressed with her attitude.  

Since it was over 90 degrees, we only stayed in the saddle for about 20 minutes.  Though I noticed Bill stole Morgie and took her for a lap or two around the yard while I gave the Kid instructions on untacking.  Mmm hmm.  My horse, and I'm the only one who didn't get to ride her.

A few more of these, and we might be able to start riding off property!

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