Thursday, September 15, 2016

Family Walk

32 minutes - 1.25 miles - Rhulain, Morgan, Bill & Kid
I decided to go for a walk.  I haltered Morgan and headed towards the gate when I saw the Kid and invited him to go along.  Bill was on the front porch, so I asked if he wanted to join us.  He said yes, and asked me to halter Rhu for him.  Wait, what? Why? 
He said he didn't want to drag Majesty or have his arm yanked by Wasabi, and Rhu was a pleasure to walk.  I gave Morgan's lead rope to the Kid while I got Rhu and the 4 of them headed off to the open desert.  
I realized both my horses were on a walk, and I wasn't in charge of either one.  It was ok.  Rhu snuggled Bill, but kept an eye on me.  Morgie kept her head low and took good care of the Kid.  I was proud of my two girls.

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