Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Falls are scary

19 minutes - 1.09 miles - Morgan
I got home just in time to see Rhulain getting a hoof trim ... I snapped a picture from the front porch and was astounded by the clouds.  She stood well, but she was a little cranky I went for a ride with Morgan.  I'll take her out tomorrow.
 Morgan and I snuck in a ride before the wind and rain started in earnest.  The clouds were amazing ... we even saw a rainbow!  On the way home, I asked Morgan to walk across a mound of dirt which collapsed under us.  Poor Morgan face-planted and struggled to get her legs free.  She didn't panic and she backed up and got us out safely.  She's such an amazing horse and I'm so grateful neither one of got injured for my stupid choice.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Saddle Time

20 minutes - 0.60 miles - Rhulain
 Since we now have the Australian saddle, I decided it was time to sell one of the "extra" saddles.  I pulled out the vintage Billy Cook and asked Bill to saddle Rhu.  She panicked when he was tacking her up, and he had to go slowly and ask her to smell everything before setting it on her back. Then he hopped in the saddle for a few minutes.
 Bill decided the seat was too small for his liking.  So, we'll be putting it up for sale.  She was already saddled, so I hopped up for a quick walk up and down the driveway ... sort of a farewell to the saddle.
After untacking, the kid and I took her for a quick half mile walk.  She was perfect.  Absolutely perfect.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

New Saddle

21 minutes - 0.57 miles - Rhulain
 My long-suffering Rhu being tormented with my efforts to figure out how to use an Australian saddle.  Now comes the task of purchasing an appropriate saddle pad.
 I gave the foster kid my phone and asked him to take a few pictures of me so I could see how the saddle fit Rhu and I.  Not the most flattering pictures, but they made me laugh.
After a walk around the property, I took Rhu over to visit Morgan and Sundance.  Morgan perked up when she smelled the carrots in my pocket.  You're adorable Morgan Moonpie.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Family Walk

32 minutes - 1.25 miles - Rhulain, Morgan, Bill & Kid
I decided to go for a walk.  I haltered Morgan and headed towards the gate when I saw the Kid and invited him to go along.  Bill was on the front porch, so I asked if he wanted to join us.  He said yes, and asked me to halter Rhu for him.  Wait, what? Why? 
He said he didn't want to drag Majesty or have his arm yanked by Wasabi, and Rhu was a pleasure to walk.  I gave Morgan's lead rope to the Kid while I got Rhu and the 4 of them headed off to the open desert.  
I realized both my horses were on a walk, and I wasn't in charge of either one.  It was ok.  Rhu snuggled Bill, but kept an eye on me.  Morgie kept her head low and took good care of the Kid.  I was proud of my two girls.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Registration Pictures

36 minutes - 1.03 miles - Rhulain
ForeverMorgans let me know they needed some pictures of Rhulain to finish registering her ... 18 months later, but at least she'll be registered.
She was awesome!  I took her out to the desert, dropped the lead rope and she stood right where I left her, even with the wind blowing crazy.  Love this horse.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Confidence and Teamwork Building

22 minutes - 1.11 miles - Rhulain

Rhu was not sure about leaving the food this early, but she went ahead and padded along beside me for about a half mile.  Then she saw headlights, and she got really nervous.  I sent her off in a circle around me, and she shot off like a rocket for about a minute.  I was so proud of her for staying out of my space and keeping focused on me, even though she was clearly nervous.  We walked home in synch and she nuzzled me at the gate.  Good girl Rhu.

Monday, September 5, 2016

First Ever Family Ride!

17 minutes - 0.54 miles - Morgan, Rhulain, and Majesty

Bill was hard at work cleaning out his shed full of tools.  Kid was busy building ramps for his dump truck to jump over.  And I took the opportunity to saddle up three horses and invite everyone for a ride around the yard.

Bill led the way, and gave the kid instructions on how to use the reins.  Morgan was absolutely amazing and so extremely patient.  Rhulain made it clear she didn't like being in the back.
Once I moved Rhu up to the front, her head dropped low, she breathed out, and she showed the Kid how to go around bushes and zig-zag through the yard.  I was very impressed with her attitude.  

Since it was over 90 degrees, we only stayed in the saddle for about 20 minutes.  Though I noticed Bill stole Morgie and took her for a lap or two around the yard while I gave the Kid instructions on untacking.  Mmm hmm.  My horse, and I'm the only one who didn't get to ride her.

A few more of these, and we might be able to start riding off property!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Ground Work Pays Off

30 minutes - 0.86 miles - Rhulain
Rhulain practically loaded herself today.  She stood patiently and waited until she was asked to back out. 
Then we went for a walk, where no matter what was thrown at her, she remained calm and steady.
When we got back, I realized I had left the hose on and flooded the area near the gate.  Rhu initially jumped over the puddle (quite beautifully I might add).  I sent her back through the gate and asked her to walk in calmly, then stop in the puddle.  She did on the first try.

All this ground work is really starting to pay off ... teamwork.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Longest Bareback Yet

30 minutes - 0.98 miles - Morgan
0.22 miles bareback
Grabbed Morgan and headed outside for a walk.  We had a nice, mellow time together.  About a quarter of a mile away, I hopped on and rode home. That's the longest bareback ride we've done so far ... it doesn't seem like much, but I appreciate her letting me work on my balance.
I hopped off at the gate because I had to chain it shut, and that would be too difficult without a saddle for balancing.  I turned around to see her standing exactly where I left her. Love this mare!